You can download the text books for any class by using the following link.. 10th Social Study MaterialDownload Lesson-1 Outbreak of World War One and Its Aftermath Part- 1 Part- 2 Part- 3 Part- 4 Part- 5 Part- 6 Chapter- 2 The World between Two World Wars Part- 1 Part- 2 Chapter- 3 World War-2 (Prepared by Agastin sir) Part- 1 Part- 2 Geography - Lesson - 1 India- Location, Relief and Drainage (Prepared by Jayanthi mam) Part- 1 Part- 2 Geography - Lesson - 2- Climate & Natural Vegetation of India Part- 1 Part- 2 Part- 3 Part- 4 Part- 5 Part- 6 Part- 7