Extra Curricular Activities
Karate : Karate is being taught to the children to improve the physical and mental health and also to help them know self defence techniques. Karate builds self esteem and strengthens self confidence.

Yoga : Yoga for children is a great way to encourage a healthy life style as they grow physically and mentally. The body becomes relaxed and energized at the same time. Learning Yoga increases concentration, focus and attention. It decreases anxiety and stress.

Craft : Craft is being taught from Std III to Std VIII to bring out their creativity, skill and co-ordination of work.

Dance : Learning dance helps children to be graceful and well co-ordinated. They can express themselves through Art.

Co-curricular Activities
J.R.C : Students are taught about the importance of health, service and friendship and they get chances to express their talents.
Scouts & Guides : Children are taught to be good citizens of India with a prime motto “Be Prepared”
Abacus : Abacus is being taught from U.K.G to VIII.
Competitions : Oratorical, Essay Writing, Drawing, Painting, Music & Dance Competitions are conducted to develop intrinsic talent of wards.