About the School

Himayam Higher Secondary school was started as a primary school in the year 1999. Slowly and steadily it has grown into a high school. Efforts are taken to upgrade the school to higher secondary level shortly. It is a co- educational English medium school and it is situated in a central place between Kovilambakkam and Narayanapuram.

Our school is managed by SATVAJ Educational Trust. The faculty of our school consists of well qualified and experienced graduate and post- graduate trained teachers. It is a conceptual school driven with a difference to experiment tested qualitative institutional practices; expose the real institutional value and to enrich dynamism in the constituents of a good school.

Himayam school is best known for its systematic execution of activities to ensure perfection. Utmost care is given to develop the abilities of children in addition to making them get equipped to ensure a bright future. Also children are moulded into better individuals by forming good characters and values.

About the Trust

SATVAJ Educational Trust is formed purely with a service motto of:

  •  To identify students for their learning abilities too; to expose them to the act of learning;to infuse in them the joy of learning to acquire knowledge.
  •  To impart quality, education on par with the education obtained by children who are high in pecuniary and pedagogies milieu.
  •  Jegan Memorial Award offers free education to academically excellent children who cannot afford the regular fee payment.


The aim of Himayam Higher Secondary School is to educate the students with high knowledge, good personal skills, communication skills, good discipline, manners and morality that would make them holistic human being emotionally stable; intellectually vibrant; spiritually enlightened and socially committed and would help them to lead a challenging successful life in this competitive world. Supreme priority is given to the development of rational potential within each pupil and they are steered till they get into a profession to lead a quasi-comfortable life which is the special feature of our school.

Every child is educated with utmost care to ensure the following:

  • Strong base knowledge
  • Ability to converse in English fluently
  • Mental and physical strength by yogasana
  • Discipline, Cleanliness & Neatness
  • Good habits, manners and moral values
  • Extra-curricular talents like dance, karate, craft, drawing, etc.

Role of the Management

The Management takes active participation in ensuring excellence in every activity of the school. It provides good infrastructure, necessary facilities and care. The following are some of the major contributions of the management

  • To ascertain resourceful teaching faculty who will be committed, competent and confident to imbibe skills, attitudes, habits, manners and behaviour among students that would help them to explore in life.
  • Latest technology and teaching methods are practiced to ensure better understanding of students.
  • Special coaching and individual head are conferred.
  • Well planned assignments are given to develop the creative and innovative thoughts and talents of the bright students.
  • Excellent tools and materials are used to strengthen the base knowledge of the students.
  • Special systems and tools are used for surveillance and evaluation of staff and students.
  • Regular upgradation in the systems and techniques used for bestowing education to ensure all techniques are up-to-date as per the latest etiquette.

Rules & Regulations

  1. Students must reach the school on time to attend the morning assembly. They must be regular and punctual in attending the classes.
  2. Leave availed should be informed in writing and countersigned by the parents.
  3. All students should speak only in English within the school campus.
  4. Students should come to school in proper and complete uniform.
  5. Students should get their diary signed from parents regularly. The progress reports should also be reviewed and signed by the parents.
  6. Care should be taken to maintain the books and notebooks neatly.
  7. Students are strictly forbidden from wearing any jewels or bringing cash and electronic gadgets to school. They are responsible for their personal belongings. Mobile phones are strictly not allowed.
  8. Students should keep their classroom neat and tidy. They are supposed to put any waste only in the dustbin.
  9. A minimum of 80% of attendance is a must for every student to get promoted.