You can download the text books for any class by using the following link..

Chapter - 1 Laws of Motion (Physics) Prepared by Jebitha mam

Part- 1

Part- 2

Part- 3

Part- 4

Part- 5

Part- 6

Part- 7

Part- 8

Part- 9

Part- 10

Part- 11

Part- 12

Part- 13

Unit- 2 Optics (Physics) Prepared by Jebitha mam

Part- 1

Part- 2

Part- 3

Part- 4

Part- 5

Part- 6

Part- 7

Part- 8

Chapter- 7 Atoms & Molecules (Chemistry) - Prepared by Antony sir

Part- 1

Part- 2

Part- 3

Part- 4

Part- 5

Chapter- 12 Plant Anatomy & Plant Physiology (Biology)- Prepared by Janakiraman sir

Part- 1

Part- 2

Part- 3